One act of human kindness can change the world, save a life, heal a heart, help a lost soul. Remind someone, they matter, they are valued. Spread Kindness, say hello, smile, give a compliment. It costs nothing to be kind, yet the value it gives money can't buy.
The return for Kindness is intangible but far more reliable than any monetary investment. Internal Joy, hope, happiness, kindness can not be purchased online. Gifts to your soul are those invisible, indescribable feelings that stem from giving. Kindness being a simple way to spread a little hope to someone on a difficult day. A ray of light during a struggle. A simple bright spot along their journey.
Team up with us, join a Swell, or launch a Kindness Swell in your area. Make a difference, share your ideas, help us to grow the Kindness mission.
Mission statements – Show, Share and Spread the simple but powerful message of Kindness to the world. Join the Kindness Swell, help to heal a world that sometimes it seems has lost its way. Challenge yourself to lift up another human being, Kindness is available at anytime, it is free, contagious and illuminates any path your on.